Oral Copulation by Force–San Diego Criminal Defense Attorney

Oral Copulation by Force is found in Penal Code § 288a(c)(2) & (3). “Oral copulation” means any contact, however slight, between one person’s mouth and a sexual organ or anus of another person. Oral copulation is done “by force” if you use enough physical force to overcome the alleged victim’s will. If the allegation is that the oral copulation was done by fear, the prosecutors must prove that the alleged victim was actually afraid.

Schedule a Consultation with an El Cajon “Oral Copulation by Force” Attorney

The sentence for this crime will depend on a number of factors, most important being the age of the alleged victim. A person convicted of Oral Copulation by Force could face up to 12 years in state prison.

This crime is related to Penal Code § 266c. That charge is filed when a person induces an alleged victim to engage in oral copulation and the person obtained the alleged victim’s consent by false representation that causes the alleged victim to be afraid. This crime can be filed as a misdemeanor or a felony, and the maximum sentence is 4 years.

As you look for a lawyer to represent you in your case, make sure you hire a lawyer who knows the law, and has a strategy for ensuring the best result possible. We put every effort into getting the charges against you dismissed.  You, too, must do everything in your power to help us win your case, including completing these 8 homework assignments.  Read our free ebook “Fighting Your Criminal Case: A Serious Response to Serious Charges” to learn how to properly defend yourself and pick the right lawyer for you.

At Lounsbery Law Office, PC, we have the knowledge and ability to fight your case and win. Learn more at our sex crimes page. Speak to El Cajon attorney Tate R. Lounsbery right away by calling 619-792-1451 or emailing us. You haven’t a moment to lose.